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Tech Diving

What is Tech Diving?

Tech diving can be hard to define as it can encompass so much, however generally speaking, any diving beyond 130ft (40m), wreck or cave penetration beyond 130 linear feet from the surface, or use of complex methods and equipment can be classified as tech diving.

Simply put, tech diving extends your limits underwater. It requires more training, equipment, and discipline, but you're rewarded with the unparalleled beauty of areas few other humans have gotten to explore.

Your Path:

Intro to Tech:

The TDI Intro to Tech Course is an introductory course that expands on recreational training by improving dive planning methods, in-water skills, and streamlining existing gear configurations in a controlled and fun learning environment.

Who this course is for:

  • Certified open water scuba diver who wants to expand diver knowledge

  • Certified open water scuba diver who is considering technical training

  • Certified technical diver who is seeking a refresher course

Advanced Nitrox:

Are you looking to expand your dive time? Maybe you’re a scientific diver or photographer looking to stay in the water a little longer?The TDI Advanced Nitrox Course qualifies divers to use enriched air nitrox from EAN 21 through EAN 100 percent within your current certification level to a maximum depth of 40 metres/130 feet during dives that do not require staged decompression. Often taught in conjunction with the TDI Decompression Procedures course, this can be considered the foundation of your technical diving career. TDI Advanced Nitrox is also a must for SCR or CCR divers.

Who this course is for:

  • The certified nitrox diver looking to expand their understanding of nitrox mixtures containing more than 40% oxygen

  • The certified nitrox diver looking to expand their in-water skills

  • The certified diver who has interest in moving forward with technical diving education

Decompression Procedures

Are you finding your no- decompression limits (NDLs) a limiting factor to dives? Do you have to ascend sooner than you would like? As sport divers, planned decompression is not something that we do or have been taught. The TDI Decompression Procedures Course prepares you for planned staged decompression diving. With a maximum operating depth of 45 meters/150 feet, this course is your first step beyond the normal sport diving limits. The TDI Decompression Procedures Course combined with the TDI Advanced Nitrox course form the foundation of all other technical courses. After these two courses and some additional experience, the stage has been set for you to move onto additional technical levels.

Who this course is for:

  • The certified Advanced Diver looking to expand their knowledge of decompression theory and diving techniques

  • The certified Advanced Diver who is interested in extending their bottom time

  • The certified Advanced Diver who has interest in moving forward with technical diving education

Next Step:

Phone us now: 1 604 329 3486


Visit us for chat: 6373 Bruce St, West Vancouver, BC V7W 2G5


*There are no refunds should you choose to drop out of the course part way through. Exceptions may be made if it is for a medical reason, with a doctors note

Sea Dragon Charters

We are a scuba diving and snorkelling, and boating adventure company in Vancouver, BC offering the best diving, snorkelling, and sightseeing in British Columbia, Western Canada.

Phone: +1 604-329-3486

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